Color Blocks Value Seating Rug

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Colorful blocks with ample seating for each student. This value carpet is ideal for organized seating in any space, colorful decoration in kids room or classroom.

KID$Value PLUS™ – Great value at a great price! Our 14ounce KID$Value Plus™ provides premium designs at a value price.
5-Year Limited Abrasive Wear Warranty. Made in the USA.

Meets NFPA 253, Class I fire code requirements.

Up to 25X Stain Protection – True Stain Blocker Technology makes clean up a cinch using only hot water extraction with no harsh chemicals necessary. All of the fibers are completely saturated with the stain treatment. Tested to ensure carpets provide safe area for children to learn and play while supporting your efforts to provide a clean and healthy environment.
No Fault Edge Warranty – We will replace the edging on your rugs no matter how long they have been in the classroom.  Just pay shipping one way.
KIDply® Backing System features a revolutionary patented technology that assures your rug looks better longer with dimensional stability. The backing helps prevent wrinkling and increasing and in unmatched in softness and flexibility providing you with quality performance in your area carpet.

        21x14 seat size FREE SHIPPING!