A to Z Animal Rugs - Multiple Colors and Sizes Available!

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This adorable area rug is perfect for any room. Its animals, from Alligator to Zebra, provide the perfect place for children to sit and learn their alphabet. Combine it with our A to Z Animal Squares for matching fun. Animals includes are: A = Alligator; B = Bear; C = Cat; D = Dog; E = Elephant; F = Flamingo; G = Giraffe; H = Horse; I = Iguana; J = Jaguar; K = Kangaroo; L = Lion; M = Moose; N = Newt; O = Octopus; P = Pig; Q = Quail; R = Rabbit; S = Snake; T = Tiger; U = Unicorn; V = Vulture; W = Worm; X = X-Ray Fish; Y = Yak; Z = Zebra.

Available in 7'6" x 12' in bright or nature colors and 8'4" x 13'4 in bright colors.